
I am a professor of astrophysics at the University of Zurich. My research is focussed on understanding the origin and evolution of the Universe and how stars, planets and galaxies form. I enjoy communicating science to the public through different media, including writing books, producing music & collaborating with artists. I write a regular column for Das Magazin and I was scientist in residence at the Rietberg Museum & the KOSMOS cultural centre in Zurich where I hosted the occasional ‘Late night science show’!

News: My latest book is “Unrewarded: the discovery of our universe in 42 Nobel Prizes that were never awarded”. In german “Sternenstaub. Die Geschichte des Universums in 42 nie verliehenen Nobelpreisen” published in November 2022 with Kein & Aber. “Mond – Eine Biografie“, published with Kein & Aber, is also available in German from all good bookstores, amazon, or ebook. It is also available in English (only on amazon) with the title “Moon: Past, Present & Future” as a softcover or ebook.



In 2002 I joined the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich. The ITP was host to Albert Einstein who obtained his PhD here in 1905 and Erwin Schroedinger (1921-1927) who developed the mathematical framework behind quantum mechanics in Zurich. I was institute director from 2007-2011. In 2013 the University decided that computational science should become a priority area and my colleagues and I established the new Institute for Computational Science (ICS). I am now director of the Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology (CTAC) within the ICS.

For further information use the ‘science’ menu above.


My latest book is “Sternenstaub. Die Geschichte des Universums in 42 nie verliehenen Nobelpreisen” published in November 2022 with Kein & Aber.

Mond – Eine Biografie“, published in 2019 with Kein & Aber. It is the story of the past, present and future of our Moon, its role in culture, together with the latest scientific research on our magnificent celestial neighbour.

“Gibt es auf der dunklen Seite vom Mond Aliens?” ,  is written for children, answering their questions about space & the universe.

My popular science book “Elefanten im All” describes the history and future of life and the universe.  It is also available in English under the title “Elephants in Space”, published by Springer. The German version is currently out of print and I will release an updated and revised version in 2019.

“Da Draussen – Leben auf unserem Planeten und anderswo” (2014), the story of life on Earth and what life out there amongst the stars could be like. It is available in German (with Kein & Aber) and in Dutch (with NieuwAmsterdam: “Hallo daar!”).


I make neoteric electronic dance music, from deep house to dubstep. The songs are designed around various layers of guitar melody. I use an ESP ‘Kirk Hammett’ electric guitar with a Hughes & Kettner valve amp as well as a Martin DCPA3 acoustic guitar. My latest solo album is ‘Escape Velocity’ and was inspired by dreams of space. Follow the menu links for videos and further information.

Press & Media

Some Interviews

& videos

IWC Siderale Scafusia

  • It’s star time <<pdf>>
  • Astronomically complicated <<pdf>>


Some events past and present



Professor Dr. Ben Moore
Director, Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics & Cosmology
Institute for Computational Science
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich

Book related interviews, readings:  Kein & Aber press
All other enquiries:  contact@benmoore.ch